mercredi 29 novembre 2017

Donald Trump relaie des vidéos anti-musulmans sur Twitter

Une fois de plus Donald Trump défie les conventions et il relaie des vidéos anti-musulmans par le biais de son compte Twitter. Les vidéos avaient d'abord été associées au compte de Jayda Fransen, vice-présidente du parti d’extrême droite Britain First.

 "Trump’s tweets were strongly condemned by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization.

“By his unconscionable and irresponsible actions this morning, President Trump is clearly telling members of his base that they should hate Islam and Muslims,” said Nihad Awad, the group’s national executive director. “These are actions one would expect to see on virulent anti-Muslim hate sites, not on the Twitter feed of the president of the United States. Trump’s posts amount to incitement to violence against American Muslims. His actions should be condemned by all American political and religious leaders, regardless of their party or faith.”

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