jeudi 20 décembre 2018

Au tour de Jim Mattis de quitter l'administration Trump

Il semble qu'en ordonnant le retrait des troupes américaines en Irak Donald Trump ait atteint les limites de la patience du général à la retraite. Donald Trump aura intérêt à bien choisir son successeur puisque Jim Mattis était un de ses conseillers les plus expérimentés et compétents. Dans sa lettre de démission Mattis a insisté sur le respect des alliés.

 "Mattis pointed to some of those differences in a resignation letter he submitted to the White House on Thursday. The retired general emphasized that the United States derives its strength from its relationships with allies and should treat them with respect. He said the country must also be “clear-eyed” about threats including from groups such as the Islamic State.

“My views on treating allies with respect and also being clear-eyed about both malign actors and strategic competitors are strongly held and informed by over four decades of immersion in these issues,” Mattis wrote. “We must do everything possible to advance an international order that is most conducive to our security, prosperity and values, and we are strengthened in this effort by the solidarity of our alliances.”

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