vendredi 14 décembre 2018

Une fillette de 7 ans meurt après une arrestation à la frontière américaine

Le dossier de la frontière et des migrants est déjà particulièrement complexe et controversé alors que survient la mort d'une fillette de sept ans. Si le fil des événements est encore incomplet, on sait qu'elle est morte d'un état de choc et de déshydratation.

 "The girl’s death raises questions about whether border agents knew she was ill and whether she was fed anything or given anything to drink during the eight-plus hours she was in custody.%% Immigrants, attorneys and activists have long raised issues with the conditions of Border Patrol holding cells. In Tucson, an ongoing lawsuit claims holding cells are filthy, extremely cold and lacking basic necessities such as blankets. A judge overseeing that lawsuit has ordered the agency’s Tucson Sector, which patrols much of the Arizona-Mexico border, to provide blankets and mats to sleep on and to continually turn over surveillance footage from inside the cells.

The Border Patrol has seen an increasing trend of large groups of immigrants, many with young children, walking up to agents and turning themselves in. Most are Central American and say they are fleeing violence. They turn themselves in instead of trying to circumvent authorities, many with plans to apply for asylum."

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