mardi 18 décembre 2018

Critique du film "Vice" dans le New York Times: la vie de Dick Cheney portée à l'écran

Un beau défi que celui de présenter à l'écran la vie d'un homme considéré comme un "méchant" de la politique américaine. Dick Cheney a eu une longue carrière avant de devenir le vice=président de George W. Bush. La sortie du film "Vice" est prévue le 25 décembre aux États-Unis.

 "The way “Vice” tells it, Dick Cheney, who would go on to become the most powerful vice president in American history, started out as a young man in a hurry to nowhere in particular. After washing out of Yale, he retreated to his home state of Wyoming, pursuing his interests in booze and cigarettes and working as a utility-company lineman on the side. Dick was saved from ruin — or at least from the kind of drab destiny unlikely to result in a biopic — by the stern intervention of his fiancée, Lynne Vincent, who told her wayward beau that they were finished unless he pulled himself together.

Her reading of the romantic riot act would have far-reaching consequences. In that pivotal moment, Dick (Christian Bale) looks Lynne (Amy Adams) in the eye and swears he’ll never disappoint her again. The thesis of this film, written and directed by Adam McKay, is that Dick kept his promise. And that everyone else — including his daughter Mary (Alison Pill), thousands of American soldiers, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians and just about everyone on the planet with a care for justice, democracy or simple human decency — paid the price."

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