lundi 17 décembre 2018

John Boehner publiera bientôt “Notes From a Smoke-Filled Room”

Si les humoristes n'ont pas manqué de se moquer de son éternel teint basané et de sa propension à verser des larmes aux moments opportuns, la carrière de John Boehner fut longue et son héritage complexe. Ce document risque d'être bien intéressant parce qu'il apportera un éclairage particulier aux luttes entre Démocrates et Républicains, mais aussi parce que Boehner a vécu l'évolution de sa formation politique à un moment important. Ultimement il a perdu son rôle de speaker en raison de la montée en puissance des éléments les plus conservateurs.

 “I get the question every day: What was the proudest accomplishment of your time in Congress? And I think it’s that I walked out of there in October 2015 as pretty much the same jackass I was when I walked in almost 25 years earlier. I walked out of there with no regrets … and a hell of a lot of good stories,” Boehner told POLITICO in a statement.

Following the Republican Revolution of 1994 and, during his career, Boehner served alongside the major political figures of the past three decades, from Newt Gingrich and the late Sen. Ted Kennedy to George W. Bush and Barack Obama. Reflecting on his former colleagues, he has since remarked that one “doesn’t know how to dress,” called another a “total phony” and decried a third as a “legislative terrorist.”

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