jeudi 13 décembre 2018

Guerre au Yemen: ce conflit honteux doit cesser (Nicholas Kristof, New York Times)

Kristof met de l'avant le cas de la jeune Abrar Ibrahim pour faire ressortir que l'étendue du désastre au Yemen devrait aller bien au-delà des seuls intérêts stratégiques des belligérants comme les États-Unis.

 "American and Saudi officials think of the Yemen war as a way to check Iran. It has failed in that and has accomplished little more than leaving 12 million Yemenis on the brink of famine. Already, 85,000 children may have died. We are complicit.

Saudi and American officials say that the enemy, the Houthi rebels who govern much of the country, are oppressive and are backed by Iran. That’s true. But how do we explain to Abrar that because we want to make a point, she must starve?

The parents of starving children allowed photos to be taken because they hope that people outside their country will act differently if they understand the human cost of three years of war.

Doctors don’t know if Abrar will survive. She deserves our hopes and prayers, and an end to this shameful war. Look at Abrar, and any additional commentary seems superfluous."

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