mercredi 12 décembre 2018

Deux bombardiers russes dans la cour arrière des États-Unis

Dans une manoeuvre digne de la guerre froide deux bombardiers russes TU-160 se sont posés au Vénézuela. Vladimir Poutine qui vient soutenir le régime Madero. Difficile d'ignorer la bravade à Washington. Les deux bombardiers peuvent être équipés de l'arme nucléaire au besoin. Tout ça après l'ingérence dans la campagne présidentielle 2016 et au moment où Robert Mueller semble prêt à terminer son rapport.

 "Code-named Blackjack by NATO, the massive warplane is capable of flying at a speed twice exceeding the speed of sound. Russia has upgraded its Tu-160 fleet with new weapons and electronics and plans to produce a modernized version of the bomber.

The bombers’ deployment follows Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s visit to Moscow last week in a bid to shore up political and economic assistance even as his country has been struggling to pay billions of dollars owed to Russia.

Russia is a major political ally of Venezuela, which has become increasingly isolated in the world under growing sanctions led by the U.S. and the European Union, which accuse Maduro of undermining democratic institutions to hold onto power, while overseeing an economic and political crisis that is worse than the Great Depression."

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