lundi 9 septembre 2019

Les Talibans à Camp David: une idée controversée...

J'ai abordé cette question hier dans le "Québec matin" de LCN. Le président a annulé une rencontre secrète prévue à Camp David avec des leaders Talibans. Les Américains se retirent d'Afghanistan et déjà beaucoup d'observateurs considèrent qu'ils perdent la face. On peut imaginer l'étonnement hier lorsque nous apprenions que les Talibans pouvaient être reçus aux États-Unis alors que nous commémorons cette semaine les événements du onze septembre 2001. Combien de présidents auraient pu s'en tirer en cachant à la population cette rencontre avec un groupe contre lequel on luttait dans le cadre de la guerre au terrorisme en 2001? 

 "For Mr. Trump, ending the war in Afghanistan has been a focus since taking office, a signature accomplishment that could help him win re-election next year. For nearly a year, Mr. Khalilzad, a former ambassador to Afghanistan, has engaged in talks with the Taliban to make that happen.

In recent weeks, it had been increasingly clear that the United States and the Taliban, after nine rounds of painstaking negotiations in Doha, Qatar, had ironed out most of the issues between them. Mr. Khalilzad declared that the agreement document had been finalized “in principle.”

The deal called for a gradual withdrawal of the remaining 14,000 American troops over 16 months, with about 5,000 of them leaving within 135 days. In return, the Taliban would provide counterterrorism assurances to ease American fears of a repeat of Sept. 11 from Afghan soil.

But the negotiations left out Afghanistan’s government, and Mr. Ghani’s officials criticized it for lacking measures that would ensure stability. At home, Mr. Trump was cautioned by Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina; Gen. Jack Keane, a retired Army vice chief of staff; and Gen. David Petraeus, the retired Afghanistan and Iraq commander."

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