mercredi 16 novembre 2011

Gingrich "fever": ça ne durera pas (opinion dans le Washington post)...

Une opinion que je partage...

"I’m afraid I can’t get too excited about the Newt Gingrich boomlet.

The field general of the Revolution of 1994 is suddenly out in front of the Republican presidential primary polls, but I can’t help thinking that he will soon go the way of Rick Perry and Herman Cain.

It’s not Gingrich’s disparaging of President Obama’s “Kenyan, neo-colonial” worldview. Or the six-figure bills he and his third wife ran up at Tiffany’s. Or the cruise of the Greek islands that led much of his staff to quit in frustration.

Gaffes and missteps may dislodge Perry and Cain from their top-tier status by making them appear unqualified to be president, but there’s no question the former speaker of the House is qualified.

His problem, rather, is that he is entirely too moderate in this field — and, therefore, in no position to establish himself as the conservative anti-Mitt Romney. The ideas that made him a conservative revolutionary in 1994 make him squishy in 2012.

The public got a taste of Gingrich’s relative moderation in May, when he disparaged Paul Ryan’s budget plan, which House Republicans embraced en masse, as “right-wing social engineering” and “too big a jump.” He quickly retreated from this inadvertent honesty, uttered in the same “Meet the Press” interview when he defended his previous support for an “individual mandate” requiring health insurance — the part of Obamacare that conservatives find most objectionable."

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