vendredi 22 juin 2012

Fast and furious: grogne contre Obama

L'échec catastrophique de l'opération Fast and furious ne cesse de soulever l'indignation auprès de plusieurs élus (surtout républicains) du Congrès. Le dernier "épisode" de la saga et le recours du Président Obama aux "privilèges de l'exécutif" pour appuyer Eric Holder, son responsable de la justice. Il sera donc impossible d'accéder à tous les documents entourant cette opération ratée. On peut comprendre la colère des parlementaires, surtout en période électorale!

 "For months, House Republicans have tried to pry documents from theU.S. Department of Justice about Operation Fast and Furious, the spectacularly botched government operation that put guns in the hands of Mexican drug cartel thugs.

And for months, the department has responded with some, but not all, of the papers. This week the action escalated into a full-fledged constitutional clash between the White House and Congress. President Barack Obama backed Attorney GeneralEric Holder's refusal to release the documents. Obama invoked executive privilege — a move to protect the documents under the reasoning that their release could harm the president's ability to obtain candid advice from his aides.

 In response, the Republican-dominated House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform voted Wednesday to recommend that Holder be held in contempt of Congress. A full House vote may come soon. And then, absent a settlement, you can expect months of political wrangling.

The White House could spare all of us a distracting and damaging battle over executive privilege — a murky principle not defined in the Constitution — if Holder would share these documents with the American people."

L'article explique également en quoi consistait l'opération.,0,4057316.story

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