jeudi 18 avril 2013

"they picked the wrong city.” (Obama à Boston)

Sur la photo: le Président Obama, Michelle Obama et le gouverneur Deval Patrick 

 Obama a étudié à Harvard et sa fulgurante carrière au plan national a débuté après son discours à la convention démocrate de 2004 à Boston. Aucun doute qu'il a un lien émotif avec la ville.

 "“As you begin this long journey of recovery, your city is with you. Your commonwealth is with you. Your country is with you,” Obama said.

 “We will all be with you as you learn to stand and walk and, yes, run again. Of that I have no doubt, you will run again,” he continued to applause. “You will run again, because that’s what the people of Boston are made of. Your resolve is the greatest rebuke to whoever committed this heinous act…. It should be pretty clear by now that they picked the wrong city.”

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