lundi 3 juin 2013

Nouveau "monument" à Washington D.C.: the flood wall

Reconnaissance des retombées des changements climatiques? La ville de Washington a déjà subi sa part d'inondations dans l'histoire et les experts considèrent comme absolument nécessaires les travaux qui s'achèvent pour éviter une catastrophe. L'auteur de l'article auquel je réfère considère qu'il était plus que temps de réagir.

 "So my question to Congress is, now that you know about it, are some of you going to say that we should tear down this wall? The new wall on the Mall sits right in the middle of the concentration of national monuments the American public visits most. Americans are going to see this wall and ask questions. Soon, the new wall on the Mall may be recognized as a monument itself, a rallying point for climate education, if Congress does not act quickly to remove it.

 Of course, there is another way to go. The Congress could act responsibly, so someday plaques might be affixed to the wall noting that in 2013, the completion of the wall marked the beginning of the nation’s turnaround in addressing climate disruption. Our descendants, reading these words a century or more from now, when greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere may begin to fall, will feel grateful to us. But they may also wonder why we did so little about the problem for so long.

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