lundi 16 novembre 2015

Attaques de Paris et les réflexion de John Brennan de la C.I.A.

Les propos de du directeur Brennan sont directs et ils sont loin d'être rassurants. Les attaques perpétrées à Paris étaient prévisibles et il faut s'attendre à d'autres tentatives.

 "Brennan did not assert that the CIA or the West more broadly had specific indications about the shootings and suicide bombings in Paris, but he did warn that the Friday attacks were not likely a "one-off event." "This is something that was deliberately and carefully planned over the course I think of several months," he said. "I would anticipate that this is not the only operation ISIL has in the pipeline….it’s not going to content itself with violence inside of the Syrian and Iraqi borders."

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