mercredi 25 mai 2016

Les Républicains espèrent toujours coincer Obama dans un scandale...

On parle souvent de polarisation pour la politique américaine et on ne se trompe pas. Cet article met en lumière une nouvelle tentative de Darrell Issa (photographie) pour dénicher un scandale impliquant l'administration Obama. Jusqu'à maintenant Issa n'a rien trouvé, mais ça ne l'arrêtera pas. Il vise cette fois la destitution d'un commissaire de l'IRS.

 "Now House Republicans are taking up the low-probability impeachment of the IRS commissioner — even though Koskinen wasn’t even working at the IRS until well after the behavior in question, the targeting of conservative political groups, had allegedly occurred.

Only three executive-branch officials have been impeached by the House in all of U.S. history, as my colleague Lisa Rein has noted: Presidents Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton and a secretary of war. In 1876. The case against Koskinen is weak: The Justice Department declined to launch a prosecution, saying its investigation found no evidence that IRS officials acted on political motives. Both Justice and an inspector general first appointed by President George W. Bush cast doubt on lawmakers’ allegations that there was a conspiracy to destroy or hide evidence or hide it from investigators."

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