mercredi 6 décembre 2017

Et si Trump désignait Jérusalem comme capitale sans déplacer l'ambassade?

Se limiter à préciser que pour les États-Unis la capitale est Jérusalem constituerait déjà aux yeux de plusieurs une provocation ou un risque inutile, mais les termes utilisés par Donald Trump seront scrutés à la loupe...

 "Keeping the embassy in Tel Aviv but recognizing Jerusalem as the capital might anger many Israeli right-wingers. It would be unlikely to reassure Palestinians, either. “The embassy is unimportant,” Ilan Goldenberg, a former Obama administration official and director of the Middle East Security Program at the Center for a New American Security, wrote on Twitter. “The recognition of Jerusalem as the capital is what the Arab world cares about.”

But most important will be the language Trump uses in his announcement. If he repeats the Israeli line that Jerusalem is the “undivided” capital of Israel, Trump will run the risk of angering Palestinians who will view that as proof that the United States does not support their push for statehood. If he says that West Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, as Russia did earlier this year, he may anger Israeli right-wingers."

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