vendredi 2 octobre 2015

Syrie: la stratétgie de la Russie se retournera contre Poutine (selon l'administration Obama)

On évalue à la Maison Blanche que la stratégie de Vladimir Poutine comporte un fort pourcentage de risque, mais tous devront composer avec les retombées. On mentionne peu l'intervention de l'Iran dans ce dossier, pourtant le pays doit être intégré à l'équation.

 "Analysts agreed that Putin was incurring risks by bombing Syria. But that doesn't mean his intervention is good news for the White House, which will need to reassses the changed Syrian battlefield.

Exacerbating the sense of a shifting conflict were reports that Iran has sent hundreds of troops to Syria in recent days -- reports the White House did not dispute. That suggests Tehran and Moscow have mounted a coordinated offensive to fortify Syrian president Bashar al Assad.

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