jeudi 21 avril 2016

Bernie Sanders face à la révolte sudiste

En attaquant constamment sa rivale avec l'argument (faux) qu'elle ne gagne que dans les états du sud, Bernie Sanders indisposent les stratèges du Parti démocrate. Les votes du sud seraient moins importants que les votes du nord? Bien sûr que non et le résultat de la présidentielle sera grandement influencé par les résultats de plusieurs états du sud comme la Floride, la Caroline du Nord ou la Virginie. De plus, "Bernie" donne l'impression d'atténuer l'importance du vote de la communauté noire dans ces états.

 "In a stern, roughly 800-word letter sent Wednesday via post to Sanders’ Burlington, Vermont, headquarters, a high-profile group that includes the Democratic Party chairs of South Carolina, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi expresses its concern about his characterizations of the South, which they contend “minimize the importance of the voices of a core constituency for our party”: African-Americans. “We commend you on running a spirited campaign that has energized and mobilized a new generation of voters, but we are concerned about the way you and your campaign have characterized the South,” write South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Jaime Harrison, Louisiana Democratic Party Chairwoman Karen Carter Peterson, Florida Democratic Party Chairwoman Allison Tant, Democratic Party of Georgia Chairman DuBose Porter, Mississippi Democratic Party Chairman Rickey Cole, former South Carolina Gov. Jim Hodges, and former Democratic National Committee Chairman Don Fowler, each of whom now supports Clinton."

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