jeudi 28 avril 2016

Trump et la politique étrangère: les experts peu impressionnés

Est-on maintenant rassurer sur le potentiel et la cohérence de la politique étrangère de Donald Trump? Le meneur républicain déçoit les experts.

 "The speech was “completely contradictory, in the sense that the first message is that we should make allies pay not just for the cost of having troops in their countries but for the entire defense that the U.S. provides to Europe and Asia, which he estimated at trillions of dollars. And then in the next breath, he said that the U.S. can't be relied on and needs to be a better ally,” said Thomas Wright, a Brookings Institution fellow who has written extensively on Trump’s foreign policy.

“There’s just no way to reconcile these two statements. It certainly won’t reassure anyone internationally, or anyone within the Republican foreign policy establishment,” Wright added."

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