dimanche 5 novembre 2017

Des primaires truquées pour favoriser Hillary? Non (Boris Heersink)

Voici l'analyse qui représente le mieux ce que je pense des primaires démocrates de 2016. Depuis longtemps le poids du clan Clinton est important dans la gestion du Parti démocrate et je ne suis pas du tout étonné que l'organisation ait penché en faveur de la candidate. Dans l'ensemble les règles du jeu ont été décidées bien avant l'affrontement entre Hillary et Bernie. Sanders n'était même pas un démocrate avant d'annoncer sa candidature et son succès a étonné la majorité des observateurs. Rien de bien nouveau donc dans ce dossier et on ne peut conclure que Bernie a été victime d'un "vol". Si je retiens quelque chose de cette controverse, c'est qu'il serait sage pour le couple Clinton de se retirer et de passer le flambeau. Si la situation est complexe chez des Républicains divisés entre plusieurs factions, le Parti démocrate ne doit pas faire l'économie d'une remise en question.

 "Throughout the primary process, the Sanders campaign made several complaints about how the DNC disadvantaged them. On some issues — such as the timing of some of the primary contests, or the way delegates were divided over the states — Clinton probably received some benefits. However, as political scientist Josh Putnam has noted, these rules were decided in 2014 — well before anyone expected a Clinton-Sanders primary contest.

Other complaints may be more valid. For example, the Sanders campaign pointed to the timing of the DNC-organized primary debates, which frequently occurred at times where a small audience was likely to tune in. It is possible that some of these decisions were made by Clinton-approved DNC staffers. If the DNC made these calls with the intention of shortening the primary campaign process, it might have limited the Sanders’ campaign’s ability to reach new voters.

 But whether the DNC actually succeeded in this is far from clear. Clinton received 3.7 million more votes than Sanders did — and it is questionable that this was due solely to the timing of debates. For this reason, there is an important difference between the DNC’s preferring one of the presidential candidates and its rigging the nomination process."


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