mardi 4 décembre 2018

Des sénateurs convaincus que MBS a commandé l'assassinat de Jamal Khashoggi

Gina Haspel qui dirige la CIA informait aujourd'hui le sénat des plus récentes informations dont dispose l'agence dans le dossier de Jamal Khashoggi. Si l'administration Trump a refusé de condamner MBS, les sénateurs américains, dont plusieurs républicains, pourraient exercer des pressions.

 "Why it matters: Lawmakers have been grappling with conflicting information from the CIA and the administration regarding the murder, with the CIA's assessment placing blame on Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, and the administration deflecting such blame in an effort to preserve what they see as a crucially important partnership.

Show less What to watch: The Senate has been working on legislation from Sens. Bernie Sanders, Mike Lee, and Chris Murphy that would pull support from the Saudis in Yemen, which is expected to be debated this week after the Senate voted to advance it last week."

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