dimanche 9 décembre 2018

John Kelly remplacé

Le général à la retraite est celui qui devait ramener l'ordre à la Maison Blanche, on ne peut que constater les limites de son pouvoir. Le président arrêtera son choix sur un candidat avec qui il débattra moins. On croit qu'il souhaite récupérer Nick Ayers, 36 ans, qui travaille actuellement pour Mike Pence.

 "Behind the scenes: Until recently, Trump was publicly claiming he was happy with Kelly and was denying media reports that he was searching for a replacement.

But privately, Trump has been fed up with Kelly for months. Since early this year, he’s been talking to Ayers about the job. They’ve met in the White House residence and had many conversations out of earshot of Kelly and the general’s allies in the West Wing.

Senior White House staff have been forced to read the tea leaves. They gossiped and speculated after they saw Ayers talking privately with Trump on midterm election night. And a number of these detractors of Ayers tried to get the message to Trump that he’d be making a big mistake."


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