mercredi 5 décembre 2018

Les Américains préfèrent regarder les nouvelles plutôt que de les lire

Pour ma part je préfère nettement lire mes nouvelles en naviguant sur le web. Je peux aisément naviguer d'un site à un autre et la formule est plus flexible. Si ce comportement est majoritaire chez un nombre croissant de jeunes américains, globalement les Américains préfèrent encore regarder les bulletins de nouvelles.

 "Overall, 47% of Americans prefer watching the news rather than reading or listening to it. That is unchanged from 46% in 2016 and outpaces the 34% who prefer to read the news and 19% who prefer to listen to it – both of which also remain on par with 2016 figures.

In addition to exploring the preferred format for news consumption, the study also measured which platform people preferred most for their news: print, television (through local, network or cable channels), the internet (through websites, apps or social media) or radio. Television continues to rank first as the preferred platform. Just over four-in-ten U.S. adults (44%) prefer TV, compared with about a third (34%) who prefer the web, 14% who prefer radio and 7% who prefer print. The only meaningful shifts since 2016 are a small increase in online and decrease in print news consumption.

The responses become even more revealing when looking at the two questions together: the preferred format for getting news (reading, watching or listening) and the preferred platform as the way to access it (print, television, online or radio)."

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