lundi 3 décembre 2018

Trump et Mueller: le cauchemar ne fait que commencer

Charles m. Blow est un progressiste et il est clair qu'il n'a jamais porté Trump dans son coeur, mais je crois qu'il vise juste ici. Même devant des faits accablants le président ne baissera pas les bras, Fox News le défendra et jamais ses partisans ne l'abandonneront. Le rapport de Mueller ne sera pas la fin du cauchemar, mais bien le début.

 "I also don’t think that Trump would ever voluntarily leave office as Nixon did, even if he felt impeachment was imminent. I’m not even sure that he would willingly leave if he were impeached and the Senate moved to convict, a scenario that is hard to imagine at this point.

I don’t think any of this gets better, even as the evidence becomes clearer. I don’t believe that Trump’s supporters would reverse course in the same way that Nixon’s did. I don’t believe that the facts Mueller presents will be considered unassailable. I don’t believe Trump will go down without bringing the country down with him.

 In short, I don’t believe we are reaching the end of a nightmare, but rather we are entering one. This will not get easier, but harder.

The country is about to enter the crucible. This test of our republic is without a true comparison. And we do not have a clear picture of how the test will resolve. But, I believe damage is certain."

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