dimanche 10 février 2019

Amy Klobuchar sur le point d'annoncer sa candidature

Amy Klobuchar est moins connue de notre côté de la frontière et même aux États-Unis elle n'obtient pas la couverture médiatique des Joe Biden, Kamala Harris ou Bernie Sanders, mais il ne faudrait pas la sous-estimer pour autant. Klobuchar peut gagner là où ça compte. Ce sera plus utile de reprendre des votes au Michigan, au Wisconsin ou en Ohio qu'en obtenir un million de plus dans les états de New York et de la Californie. KJlobuchar devient aussi la cinquième femme dans la course.

 "What will be most telling about Klobuchar's candidacy is if caucus and primary voters will embrace her mindset that the good can't be the enemy of the perfect and that consensus-building with Republicans should be valued, rather than resisted.

For instance, unlike Sens. Warren, Kamala Harris of California, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Cory Booker of New Jersey, Klobuchar has not signed onto the "Medicare-for-all" legislation that's become an early progressive litmus test for a band of vocal activists. She also broke with that crop of contenders on a vote to end a shorter government shutdown last year, infuriating liberals who bemoaned capitulation with Republicans.

Still, the former campaign staffer says that Klobuchar will make a formidable candidate because of her straightforward political instincts, which he describes as "second to none."

"The primary is just a total jump ball. Kamala's very good. Amy's very good. [Joe] Biden's a favorite. But what's going to make or break it is the events that happen and how people respond, when there's breaking news and you need to rise to the occasion," the campaign staffer says. "Amy's very good at that and she's been preparing for it her whole career. Do I think she's a favorite now? No. Is she the best dark horse candidate? For sure." "


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