lundi 25 février 2019

Mike Pence plus puissant qu'on ne le croit

L'influence de Mike Pence ne se limite pas qu'à la seule question de l'avortement au sein de l'administration Trump. Généralement discret, Pence aurait une grande influence sur la politique étrangère. Il ne faudrait pas le sous-estimer.

 "Pence also exerts power on other critical foreign policy issues. He publicly — and controversially —attacked European allies in a recent Warsaw speech for not supporting Trump's maximum pressure campaign on Iran.

He infuriated Turkish officials while working with Trump to secure the release of Pastor Andrew Brunson from a Turkish prison.

 He also gave the toughest speech on China by any American leader in recent history, and has worked with key officials, including John Bolton, to shape the administration's China policy."

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