jeudi 7 février 2019

Dieu merci pour le Canada! (Nicholas Kristof, New York Times)

L'administration Trudeau a été durement critiquée ici lorsqu'elle s'est opposée à la Chine ou à l'Arabie saoudite. On lui a reprochée d'être naïve ou maladroite. Pourtant les prises de position de Mme Freeland ou de Justin Trudeau sont ici encensées par Nicholas Kristof qui voit le Canada comme le nouveau meneur moral du monde libre.

 "Canada may be one of the world’s more boring countries, as yawn-inspiring as sensible shoes — wake up, reader, I know you’re snoozing!— but it’s also emerging as a moral leader of the free world.

There’s no one else. The United States under President Trump is on a nationalist tear. Britain’s leaders seem determined to drag their people over a Brexit precipice. France is distracted by protests. Germany is preparing for succession.

So Canada is stepping up.

During the worst of the Syrian refugee crisis, President Barack Obama admitted just 12,000 Syrians and provoked a furious backlash, including Trump’s Muslim ban. Canada accepted 40,000 Syrians, with Trudeau appearing at the airport to hand out winter coats to these new Canadians.

All around the world, doors to refugees were clanging shut. But Canadians were so eager to sponsor Syrians that organizations were clamoring for more of them. Canadian politicians are mostly rewarded for showing compassion."

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