lundi 25 février 2019

Sommet Donald Trump et Kim Jong-Un: un seul gagnant possible?

Si on considère que ses propres agences de renseignements croient peu dans la démarche, Donald Trump joue gros et risque beaucoup. Peut-il gagner son pari? Le New York Times croit plutôt que c'est le leader Nord-coréen qui s'en tirera avec les honneurs.

 "As the second Trump-Kim meeting approaches, North Korea looks to have the upper hand again.

Mr. Kim has been playing hardball. If the United States “persists in imposing sanctions and pressure against our Republic,” he warned in his New Year’s address last month, “we may be compelled to find a new way for defending the sovereignty of the country and the supreme interests of the state and for achieving peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula.”

Team Trump, for its part, is painfully understaffed. The Senate has yet to confirm an assistant secretary of state for East Asia and the Pacific. Stephen Biegun, the special representative for North Korea, is widely respected, but has been working the file for just six months. The North Korean side has brushed off American entreaties both for a nuclear inventory and for setting up substantive working groups ahead of the summit in Hanoi. All of that is to its advantage."

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