mardi 26 février 2019

La stratégie de Trump pour la Corée du nord séduit certains experts

Fallait-il balancer tout les codes diplomatiques habituels pour parvenir à des résultats dans les négociations avec la Corée du nord? Certains espèrent y croient et se rangent derrière le président.

 "When Barack Obama took office, the boxes were a mixture of pinks and light reds. By the time he left office, eight out of 11 boxes were bright red, with North Korea testing missiles and bombs.

By 2017 — with Trump’s bombastically calling Kim “Little Rocket Man”— nine boxes were bright red.

“The risk of war was high,” Hecker said.

Since then, though, the diplomacy box has shifted to green. With North Korea suspending nuclear and missile tests, other boxes have returned to a more reassuring mid-red or pink.

“Rapid North/South rapprochement and the Singapore Summit in 2018 dramatically lowered tensions and the threat of war on the Korean Peninsula,” the trio says in a report, “creating space and time to pursue diplomatic solutions.”"

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