dimanche 10 février 2019

Jeff Bezos sur le sentier de la guerre

On devient pas l'homme le plus riche de la planète sans avoir un instinct de survie particulièrement développé. Malgré des opérations avec Amazon dont on remet parfois en question les retombées, Bezos s'attire des sympathies par son opposition aux méthodes scandaleuses de David Pecker.

 "Again, Bezos’ superior survival instincts kicked in. He refused.

Pecker is up to his slimy neck in politically motivated messes. He had to make a deal with prosecutors after he helped deliver his pal Donald Trump’s hush payments to the Playboy model and the porn star. The Dickensian-named head of American Media Incorporated, The Enquirer’s owner, was “apoplectic,” according to Bezos’ post in Medium, about his investigation into who leaked the texts.

“I prefer to stand up, roll this log over, and see what crawls out,” Bezos wrote.

And thus a P.R. debacle turned into a triumph. Besides unbridled consumerism, Americans love nothing more than seeing a bully like Pecker get kicked in the groin.

Bezos may be a key player in the Silicon Valley scheme to destroy privacy and ratchet up excess in the interest of mammonism, but for the moment, he’s a hero."


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