samedi 31 décembre 2011
2011 en 100 secondes (Talking points memo)"
"To round up 2011, TPM put together our 100 seconds of the biggest stories of the year. Protests spread across the world from Madison to the Middle East; politicians kept on gaffing, debates about financial equality raged and Mother Nature let loose her wrath all over the world.
So, settle down with a soothing hot drink and let’s all look back at what we’ve been through over the last 12 months…"
jeudi 29 décembre 2011
Vente d'Armes à l'Irak: un risque?
11 milliards... L'arsenal de la démocratie ou le prix à payer pour maintenir un allié dans la région?
"The military aid, including advanced fighter jets and battle tanks, is meant to help the Iraqi government protect its borders and rebuild a military that before the 1991 Persian Gulf war was one of the largest in the world; it was disbanded in 2003 after the United States invasion.
But the sales of the weapons — some of which have already been delivered — are moving ahead even though Mr. Maliki has failed to carry out an agreement that would have limited his ability to marginalize the Sunnis and turn the military into a sectarian force. While the United States is eager to beef up Iraq’s military, at least in part as a hedge against Iranian influence, there are also fears that the move could backfire if the Baghdad government ultimately aligns more closely with the Shiite theocracy in Tehran than with Washington."
L'article au complet:
mercredi 28 décembre 2011
Peine de mort pour les gais! Ron Paul en Iowa...
La "suggestion" de recourir à la peine de mort serait celle d'un partisan de Paul. Accepter tous les appuis?
Jimmy Hoffa coulé dans le béton sous le siège social de GM? (cyberpresse)
Un des syndicalistes les plus célèbres et les plus controversés de l'histoire des États-Unis!
"Dans une entrevue au quotidien New York Post et dans son livre, Elkind affirme que cette information lui aurait été révélée en 1985 par un chef mafieux de Detroit, Antonio « Tony Jack » Giacalone, lors d’un congrès des Teamsters, tenu à l’hôtel qui fait partie du complexe Renaissance Center. « Prenons une pause, sortons d’ici », aurait dit Giacalone à un groupe de délégués. Le groupe s’éloignait de l’hôtel en marchant sur une passerelle vitrée à travers laquelle on pouvait voir l’impressionnante tour cylindrique au centre du Renaissance Center, qui était en construction lorsque Hoffa est disparu. « Quand Tony Jack a été rendu à mi-chemin de la passerelle, il a montré la fondation de l’immense tour », écrivent Elkind et Humphreys. Puis Giacalone aurait dit : « Dites bonjour à Jimmy Hoffa, les gars ». Elkind ajoute s’être fait raconter par plusieurs chefs mafieux que dans les jours suivant l’exécution de Hoffa, « pratiquement tous les charpentiers de Detroit ont été réquisitionnés pour hâter la construction des formes de bois servant à couler la fondation du Renaissance Center. « C’était la course folle pour couler le ciment », dit Elkind au New York Post, ajoutant que le corps de Jimmy Hoffa a été déposé dans du ciment encore liquide. GM a acheté le Renaissance Center en 1996, bien après tous ces événements (réels ou imaginaires) et y a déménagé son siège social. La compagnie n’a rien à voir avec cela, mais la réputation de dur-de-dur de Hoffa lui ferait un angle publicitaire punché si jamais elle décidait de ressusciter son 4X4 Jimmy. Ce qui est arrivé au corps de Jimmy Hoffa fait l’objet de théories internet fréquentes et de moins en moins vérifiables maintenant que la plupart des suspects et témoins de cette affaire sont décédés. Celle qui lui donne le siège social de GM comme pierre tombale est juste la plus récente et comme toutes les autres, elle est impossible à prouver à moins de débâtir les sept tours et d’excaver 310 000 m3 de béton armé."
L'article au complet:
mardi 27 décembre 2011
Obama et Clinton: les personnalités les plus admirées en 2011
Clinton figure au sommet de la liste pour la dixième année!
"President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton continued their reigns as Americans’ most admired man and woman in 2011, as first lady Michelle Obama jumped up a spot from her previous ranking, according to a poll out Tuesday.
Both Obama and Clinton once again hold the honor of the most admired man and woman with 17 percent of the vote each, according to the USA Today/Gallup poll. And Michelle Obama, who came in fourth in last year’s list, now ranks as the third most admired woman, directly behind Oprah Winfrey. Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin dropped to fourth in the 2011 poll.
Clinton has held the title of most admired woman 16 times since first appearing on the list in 1992. This is her tenth consecutive year with that distinction, according to the pollsters.
Her husband, former president Bill Clinton, is in third place this year for men — the same ranking he held last year. The No. 2 spot on the men’s side is former president George W. Bush, who Obama first beat out for the honor of most admired man in 2008.
Billy Graham was fourth (he’s been on the list 55 times) and Warren Buffett garnered 2 percent of the vote for a No. 5 ranking, while Newt Gingrich and Donald Trump tied in sixth with 1 percent of support each.
For women, Condoleezza Rice came in at fifth most admired, followed by Laura Bush, Margaret Thatcher, Ellen DeGeneres and Queen Elizabeth. GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann rounded out the top 10.
Cadeau de Noël pour Obama: approbation à la hausse
"Gallup’s tracking poll released Monday shows something not seen since July of this year: President Barack Obama’s approval rating in positive territory. The national survey that interviews 500 American adults per night showed 47 percent of those polled approve of the President’s job performance, versus 45 percent who disapprove. The Gallup poll uses a three day average of their nightly interviews, for a total of 1,500 responses over that time.
The last positive score Obama received in Gallup’s numbers was a 46 – 45 split over surveys done from July seventh to the ninth. The TPM Poll Average of the metric still shows a little over a four point difference, but the numbers are evening since this summer’s debt ceiling fight.
Lien pour le Presidential job approval center de Gallup:
Lien pour le Presidential job approval center de Gallup:
lundi 26 décembre 2011
samedi 24 décembre 2011
Joyeux Noël
Pour mes élèves, mes collègues, mes amis, ma famille et tous les visiteurs des Tours de Laliberté, une toile du peintre Thomas Kinkade intitulée I'll be home.
Joyeux Noël!
vendredi 23 décembre 2011
Caricature Noël et retour d'Irak: mission accomplished
Je n'approuvais pas le déclenchement de la guerre en Irak, mais il est difficile de résister à cette caricature...
jeudi 22 décembre 2011
Michelle "big butt" Obama? Les excuses d'un républicain!
Le représentant républicain Jim Sensenbrenner s'est excusé ce soir pour des propos tenus plus tôt dans la journée. M. Sensenbrenner discutait de la promotion de bonnes habitudes alimentaires, une cause importante pour La "First lady". Selon le représentant, elle devrait prêcher par l'exemple alors qu'elle a un gros postérieur!
"On Thursday, Sensenbrenner said in a statement, “I regret my inappropriate comment and I have sent a personal note to the first lady apologizing.”
Sensenbrenner had made his initial comment about the first lady at St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church in Hartford, Wis. on Dec. 10. Ann Marsh-Meigs, a 72-year-old member of the church, said the congressman sat with her and several other parishioners for some small talk during the church’s Christmas bazaar.
Then, he noticed cards on the table advertising the church’s upcoming food-packing project for Haiti and began speaking about a recent charity event in Washington his wife and Michelle Obama attended. Sensenbrenner commented that the first lady only stayed as long as the photographers were there.
“And then he got on the topic of first ladies and their special interests, and he said most first ladies have serious projects,” Marsh-Meigs said in an interview. “He implied that Michelle Obama being interested in childhood obesity was not serious, he sort of made fun of it and then he made fun of her. He said something like, look at her big butt.”"
Caricature Boehner le grincheux qui a volé Noël!
Prévisible après l'échec des dernières négociations...
Afghanistan: quand les Américains quitteront-ils?
Obama et le général en charge des opérations partagent-ils la même opinion? La présence américaine pourrait très bien se prolonger...
""No one has conveyed to me that at the end of September I'm going to get a number" for more withdrawals through 2013, Allen said in an interview here Tuesday. He said the president's policy, as he understands it, is for a "strategy-based drawdown" that's driven by the situation on the ground, rather than a preordained timeline.
Yes, but that's precisely what the debate is about.
According to Pentagon officials, Allen favors keeping most of the 68,000 in place until late 2013, so that the U.S. has two "fighting seasons" to bolster Afghan troops before giving them full responsibility in 2014. But Vice President Joe Biden and some other administration officials want a commitment to steady, sustained withdrawals through next year's election campaign. Allen told me that "there could be a quicker drawdown" if military conditions allow but that there is no "glide path." Some in the White House would disagree.
Does this sound familiar? It mirrors the wrangle that surrounded Obama's December 2009 decision to send more troops but start withdrawing them in July 2011 -- and the debate this year about how quickly the 30,000 should come home. Obama could make it easy if he just left the decision to his commander. But for Obama on Afghanistan, nothing is easy.
Behind the issue of troop withdrawals are some interesting but little noticed changes Allen has made in Afghanistan strategy since he became commander in July, taking over from Gen. David Petraeus. Basically, Allen wants to accelerate transfer of responsibility to Afghan troops in some key regions -- preferring to take these risks sooner, when the U.S. has more troops available for backup, rather than later."
La suite:
Égypte en chute libre? (Daily Star)
Après les promesses du Printemps arabe?
"The latest news coming out of Egypt reveals that the country is experiencing nothing short of a catastrophe.
Among the original demands of the protesters in Tahrir Square were for better living standards and employment, alongside a strong desire for political freedom. But today at least 20 percent of Egyptians are still living under the poverty level, with unofficial estimates closer to 35 percent. Almost continuous protests for and against the interim government, and the violent response such demonstrations have triggered have brought the country to near paralysis.
Egypt has long depended on tourism, investments and industry to keep afloat, and the ongoing volatile security situation is damaging all of these key sectors.
The immediate euphoria which followed the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak in February has proven short-lived. Violence, which has simmered since the first round of elections in late November, has flared up again, with 13 dead over the last few days alone.
Almost inevitably Moody’s ratings agency downgraded Egypt Wednesday, with the national credit risk second only to Greece.
Investors will continue to withdraw from the country, and potential tourists will continue to book their holidays elsewhere as long as such instability continues.
Recent protests, led by liberal and non-sectarian protesters, the same ones who spearheaded the original demonstrations against Mubarak, were harshly put down by army forces. The brutality witnessed shows that the army, regardless of its promises of reform, is no different from the security forces of Mubarak’s era.
Further than this, however, the interim rulers seem to have made some tacit agreement with the country’s Islamists: a power-sharing alliance of potentially ominous nature. After years in the wilderness, the Muslim Brotherhood are leading the vote after the first round of elections, with the Salafi Islamists not far behind."
Drones dans le ciel américain...
On les croyait "réservés" à l'ennemi, mais on les retrouve en nombre croissant l'espace aérien américain.
"A secret air show in Houston. An unmanned blimp in Utah. A sovereign citizen arrested in North Dakota.
Each of these is just one small part of the bigger story of the proliferation of unmanned aircraft use within the U.S., and each is likely to become smaller still if the FAA goes through with plans to loosen regulations governing domestic use of drones.
News reports about Predator attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan are common if not always complete, but what’s gotten much less attention is the increase in unarmed drones that are buzzing around within the U.S. itself. Primarily, unarmed Predator B drones are only used by government agents to patrol the borders for illegal immigrants, but there are a (very large) handful of other agencies and companies that use smaller, unarmed drones for a slew of other purposes. And that number is only expected to grow.
The FAA says that as of September 13, 2011, there were 285 active Certificates of Authorization (COA) for 85 different users, covering 82 different unmanned unarmed aircraft types.
Though the exact breakdown of the organizations who have authorization is unclear — and the FAA would not elaborate for “privacy” and “security” reasons — in January the Washington Post reported that as of December 1, 2010, 35% of the permissions were held by the Department of Defense, 11% by NASA, and 5% by the Department of Homeland Security. The FBI and law enforcement agencies also hold some, as do manufacturers and even academic institutions."
Savannah comme cadeau de Noël: un autre 22 décembre (1864)
Voici le message du Général Sherman au Président Lincoln le 22 décembre 1864: ""I beg to present you as a Christmas gift the city of Savannah."
Sherman était partisan d'une guerre totale pour vaincre les états sécessionnistes. On a souligné à maintes reprises ses victoires et ses exploits, mais plusieurs historiens sont critiques de ses méthodes brutales. On mentionne souvent des attaques contre contre des civils et la destruction de propriétés
Nissan Leaf et Tsunami: tout un test! (NY Times)
On ne peut parler d'un essai planfié, mais le tsunami au Japon a révélé certaines informations sur la durabilité des batteries qui équipent les modèles Leaf. Un avantage sur la Volt au plan de la sécurité?
"None of the cars caught fire, and their batteries remained fully intact, shielded by an airtight steel exoskeleton and two other layers of protection that surround the 660-pound packs.
“Considering how they were tossed around and crushed, we think that is a very good indication of the safety performance of that vehicle,” said Bob Yakushi, the director of product safety for Nissan North America.
Nissan’s decision to encase the Leaf’s battery in steel may help explain why federal safety regulators investigating postcrash fire risks in the Chevrolet Volt do not have the same concerns about the Leaf. General Motors packages the Volt’s battery cells on a T-shaped steel tray with a plastic cover.
The durability and design of the Volt’s battery have come into question since two of them caught fire after being damaged in testing by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The fires prompted the agency to open a formal defect investigation of the Volt, a low-volume but high-visibility model that G.M. has held up as proof it can lead the industry in advanced technology."
Caricature Ron Paul et lowa
Ron Paul pourra-t-il construire sur les résultats de l'Iowa? Ce n'est pas encore gagné, mais ses appuis sont intéressants.
mercredi 21 décembre 2011
Caricature échange de cadeau: le cadeau parfait pour Obama!
Je mentionnais plus tôt aujourd'hui que les républicains de la Chambre contribuait par leurs disputes à la remontée d'Obama dans les sondages. Le speaker John Boehner parvient difficilement à unir ses troupes...
Amish "en guerre": le sort de douze accusés!
J'ai déjà mentionné cette étrange histoire de rivalité entre "clans" dans la communauté amish. Les agressions visaient à tailler la barbe et les cheveux des victimes...
"A federal grand jury in Ohio returned a seven-count indictment on Tuesday that charges 10 men and two women with federal crimes related to what the feds say were religiously motivated attacks of rival Amish factions.
Several members of the Mullet breakaway clan — Samuel Mullet Sr., Johnny S. Mullet, Daniel S. Mullet, Levi F. Miller, Eli M. Miller, Emanuel Schrock and Lester S. Mullet — were arrested by the FBI in late November. Tuesday’s grand jury indictment includes charges against Lester Miller, Raymond Miller, Freeman Burkholder, Anna Miller and Linda Shrock.
The indictment mentions five different assaults that allegedly took place between September and November. Because members of the Amish community don’t use cars, they allegedly hired drivers so they could get away after their attacks. From a DOJ press release:
According to the indictment, Samuel Mullet Sr. is the Bishop of the Amish community in Bergholz, Ohio, while the remaining defendants are all members of that community. Mullet Sr. exerted control over the Bergholz community by taking the wives of other men into his home, and by overseeing various means of disciplining community members, including corporal punishment. As a result of religious disputes with other members of the Ohio Amish community, the defendants planned and carried out a series of assaults on their perceived religious enemies. The assaults involved the use of hired drivers, either by the defendants or the alleged victims, because practitioners of the Amish religion do not operate motor vehicles. The assaults all entailed using scissors and battery-powered clippers to forcibly cut or shave the beard hair of the male victims and the head hair of the female victims. During each assault, the defendants restrained and held down the victims. During some of the assaults, the defendants injured individuals who attempted to intervene to protect or rescue the victims. Following the attacks, some of the defendants participated in discussions about concealing photographs and other evidence of the assaults.
Newt Gingrich "fucking asshole"...
Accueil pour le moins froid et grossier d'un voteur en Iowa...
"When a man in a camouflage coat grabs your hand in an Iowa grocery store and calls you ‘a fucking asshole’ to your face, it might be time to take stock of your position in the state.
For Newt Gingrich, who was on the receiving end of the unorthodox greeting Tuesday, it was a sign that his campaign is returning to earth after having rocketed since Herman Cain’s collapse.
Back in May, Gingrich — who was then persona non grata in the GOP after he dinged Paul Ryan’s plan to eliminate Medicare as we know it — was similarly accosted by a regular Iowan when he took a trip through the state. At a campaign stop in Dubuque, a man stopped Gingrich, shook his hand and said “you’re an embarrassment to our party.”"
Irak: le pays peut-il se gouverner? (NY Times)
Les troupes américaines ont quitté et les irakiens se retrouvent confrontés à eux-mêmes. L'opinion de Thomas L. Friedman sur la suite des choses.
"With the withdrawal of the last U.S. troops from Iraq, we’re finally going to get the answer to the core question about that country: Was Iraq the way Iraq was because Saddam was the way Saddam was, or was Saddam the way Saddam was because Iraq is the way Iraq is — a collection of sects and tribes unable to live together except under an iron fist. Now we’re going to get the answer because both the internal iron fist that held Iraq together (Saddam Hussein) and the external iron fist (the U.S. armed forces) have been removed. Now we will see whether Iraqis can govern themselves in a decent manner that will enable their society to progress — or end up with a new iron fist. You have to hope for the best because so much is riding on it, but the early signs are worrying.
Iraq was always a war of choice. As I never bought the argument that Saddam had nukes that had to be taken out, the decision to go to war stemmed, for me, from a different choice: Could we collaborate with the people of Iraq to change the political trajectory of this pivotal state in the heart of the Arab world and help tilt it and the region onto a democratizing track? After 9/11, the idea of helping to change the context of Arab politics and address the root causes of Arab state dysfunction and Islamist terrorism — which were identified in the 2002 Arab Human Development Report as a deficit of freedom, a deficit of knowledge and a deficit of women’s empowerment — seemed to me to be a legitimate strategic choice. But was it a wise choice?"
Papier très intéressant... La suite:
Hillary Clinton et la citation du jour
"Women are being beaten and humiliated in the same streets where they risked their lives for the revolution only a few short months ago."
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