dimanche 6 mars 2011

Ambassadeur libyen aux États-Unis: il faut être ferme avec le régime!

Sur le site de PBS, retranscription d'un échange entre l'Ambassadeur ALI SULEIMAN AUJALI et le journaliste Jeffrey Brown.

Parmi les déclarations intéressantes:

JEFFREY BROWN: We heard President Obama today call again for Gadhafi to leave. He spoke again about preparing a full range of options. He didn't go further yet -- he didn't rule out, but he didn't go further yet to a no-fly zone.

What was your reaction to his...

ALI SULEIMAN AUJALI: Well, I must say, thank you very much to President Obama, because I made appeal through the CNN two days that we trust him. We want him to be firm with this regime. We want him to help our people. And we want him to work with the Europeans and other countries to establish the no-fly zone.

JEFFREY BROWN: You would like a no-fly zone?

ALI SULEIMAN AUJALI: Of course. This is very important.

The Libyan are slaughtering every day. Now, when we keep low profile against this regime, when he take the chance and he start using his airplanes to attack people and attack different places. Yesterday and today, they attacked Al Brega.

This is where the oil refinery, and this is where all the pipelines from the desert to the coast comes from. And if he hit one of these pipelines, that will be disaster, not only for the Libyan people, but it will be disaster for the environment also.

Le reste des échanges: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/world/jan-june11/libya2_03-03.html

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