mardi 1 mars 2011

Bras de fer entre le gouverneur du Wisconsin et les syndiqués: on se range derrière les syndicats

La tendance n'est pas très forte, mais le gouverneur Walker ne peut compter sur une majorité d'avis favorables...

Are unions popular? Sort of. According to a new NYT/CBS poll, a third of Americans view them favorably, a quarter of Americans view them unfavorably, and the rest are undecided. But are efforts to attack unions popular? Not at all. The same poll showed Americans opposed weakening the bargaining rights of union members by an almost two-to-one margin.

Nor does the public like the idea of cutting the pay or benefits of union employees to balance budgets: 56 percent opposed that strategy, while 37 percent supported it. You can find the reason for that in another question: Only 26 percent of Americans think public employees are overpaid. Another 37 percent think their pay is about right, and a further 25 percent think their pay is too low.

And that's not an isolated survey. A Pew poll released yesterday found the unions winning over the public in Wisconsin -- they led Walker by 11 points.

Article dans le Washington post:

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