Plusieurs croient que Mike Huckabee se lancera dans la campagne présidentielle 2012. S'il souhaite courtiser un électorat plus large que ses plus farouches partisans, il devra "performer" un peu mieux que cette semaine. Il y a des limites à mentir... Obama aurait été élevé au Kenya, ne serait pas né aux États-Unis et ne connaîtrait pas la réalité des américains puisqu'il a fréquenté les écoles coraniques... Ohhhh boy...
This has not been a very good week for presidential aspirant Mike Huckabee. Unless of course, your standard for "good week for Mike Huckabee" is "Mike Huckabee said a bunch of stuff that will appeal directly to the sort of insane voters he needs to court to win the GOP presidential primary," in which case it's been a great week for Mike Huckabee. But if you view "greatness" by any other standard (i.e. not relevant to the narrow tribal politics that pervade our inter-party rivalries) then no, it's not been good.
This all began when Huckabee went on the radio with some microwaved Dinesh D'Souza points to make, and erroneously asserted that President Barack Obama grew up in Kenya and was influenced by his Kenyan father who was influenced by the Mau Mau Rebellion and so he removed a bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office (to another part of the White House, by the way), and this proved that he was some anti-Western alien monster, or something.
Huckabee briefly backtracked, putting out that he misspoke during the radio appearance and meant to say "Indonesia" when he said "Kenya," which actually made less sense because Indonesia is many, many thousands of miles from where the Mau Mau Rebellion happened. Since then, he's tried to re-remove the vague taint of Birtherism on the whole mess, not by making a simple declarative statement attesting to Obama's citizenship, but by saying that Hillary Clinton would have sniffed out any shenanigans, with the terrifying reach of her oppo-research team.
Finally, he's circled back around to the original warmed-over D'Souza, and, as Gawker's Jim Newell characterizes it, not being a "very nice person" in general.
Le reste de l'article sur le site du Huffington post:
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