jeudi 10 novembre 2011

Perry et Cain, même combat: damage control!

Qui mettra enfin la pression pour que les "amateurs" quittent la course... Comment expliquer que Bachmann, CAin et Perry s'accrochent toujours? Le Tea party est peut-être influent, mais le GOP doit en avoir assez de se ridiculiser. Perry ne peut se souvenir de son propre programme!!!! Humiliant... Pendant ce temps Romney chemine sans se battre vraiment.

The Texas governor drawled through his plan to cut three government agencies, but then stumbled and admitted that he couldn’t recall which ones they were.
“And I will tell you, it is three agencies of government when i get there that are gone,” he said. “Commerce, education, and the — what’s the third one there? Let’s see.”

He proceeded to struggle a bit while his rivals and the moderators tried to jog his memory.

“Five,” he said. “Okay. Commerce, education, and the —”

“EPA?” Romney interrupted.

“EPA,” Perry replied. “There you go.”

But then he realized upon further prodding that that wasn’t what he meant at all.

“No, sir, no, sir. We are talking about the — agencies of government,” he said. “EPA needs to be rebuilt.”

Eventually he just gave up.

“Commerce and, let’s see. I can’t,” he said. “The third one, I can’t. Sorry. Oops.”

Later in the debate, during a separate question, he remembered what he’d been aiming for. “By the way, it was the Department of Energy I was after.”

With time running out for Perry to make his move in the polls, the bumbling answer is going to be tough to overcome. Expect a lot of questions on this tomorrow."

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