mardi 28 février 2012

Sovereign Citizen: à prendre au sérieux

Un mouvement qui conteste la légitimité du gouvernement et qui fait perdre un temps fou aux autorités...

 "$4 billion liens against police officers. Bankruptcy proceedings against the United States government. Claims of grammar-based conspiracies or “backwards-correct-syntaxing-modification fraud.” Sovereign citizens have found bizarre and creative ways to use court filings and liens to harass public officials throughout the country — and legislators in Georgia have had enough. Sovereign citizens, though disparate and disorganized, generally all operate under the theory that for one reason or another, the U.S. government and its court system is illegitimate. In practice, this usually involves avoiding taxes or driving without a driver’s license or license plates. The problems begin when sovereign citizens are confronted with law enforcement officials, typically at a traffic stop. Once they have been arrested, sovereign citizens will often file false liens or frivolous lawsuits against the officers and other public officials — known as “paper terrorism” — which can ruin their credit or tie them up in costly legal battles."

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