jeudi 23 août 2012

Ben Laden: un livre sur l'opération au Pakistan à paraître sous peu

Le bouquin sera rédigé par un ancien Navy Seal sous un nom d'emprunt. Le titre? "No Easy Day: The Firsthand Account of the Mission That Killed Osama bin Laden."

 "U.S. Special Operations Command has not reviewed the book or approved it, the official said. Officials only recently became aware the former SEAL was writing a book but were told it encompasses more than just the raid and includes vignettes from training and other missions.

 They would like to see a copy, the official said, to make sure no classified information is released or the book contains any information that might out one of the team members.

Officials have been told that some of the profits are going to charity. Former Special Forces officers slam Obama over leaks on bin Laden killing About two dozen U.S. Special Operations members and two helicopters were involved in the raid early May 2, 2011, in Abbottabad, Pakistan, that killed bin Laden."

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