jeudi 27 septembre 2012

Mitt Romney et le conservatisme de compassion: sa dernière pub

 Un effort pour se rapprocher de la classe moyenne. L'article du NY Times qui accompagne cette pub affirme que Romney défend maintenant sa propre version d'une couverture universelle de soins de santé. La campagne Romney prend un nouveau virage...

 "The 60-second ad, “Too Many Americans,” was Mr. Romney’s most aggressive effort to clean up the fallout from his secretly videotaped remarks at a May fund-raiser, where he called voters who do not pay income tax “victims” who are dependent on the government and feel “entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it.”

 But the ad came nine days after the video surfaced, a period in which Democrats have bashed Mr. Romney over the remarks, leaving him on the defensive in swing states like Ohio. The ad reflected a belief among his aides that in addition to trying to move past his “47 percent” comments, Mr. Romney can appeal to voters in an intimate, personal way, bonding over their economic worries. The spot, in which Mr. Romney seems to address the viewer, is an attempt, aides said, to reveal the compassion behind the policy. “The goal is to connect with voters over their anxieties over the state of the economy, and reflect the fact that Governor Romney has a plan to fix it,” said Kevin Madden, a senior campaign adviser.

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