mercredi 16 janvier 2013

Pilulles et GPS pour le NYPD

Efficace? Original assurément! Le vol de médicaments atteint des proportions alarmantes à New York.

 "The New York Police Department will attempt to fight prescription drug thefts by asking pharmacies around the city to plant Global Positioning System devices in fake pill bottles, according to Commissioner Raymond Kelly.

In a prepared statement for the Clinton Foundation's Health Matters Conference on Tuesday, Commissioner Kelly said the GPS-linked "bait bottles" will be hidden among legitimate supplies on pharmacy shelves, and will aide officers in tracking down stolen drugs immediately after a robbery.

 "In the event of a robbery or theft, we'll be able to track the bottle, which may lead us to stash locations across the city," he said.

 One Manhattan pharmacist contacted by CNN had a mixed reaction to the bait-bottle idea.

 "It's a good idea, it may help, but it might not," said Ali Yasin, chief pharmacist at New York City Pharmacy in the East Village neighborhood. "Most doctors and pharmacists won't like it. Suppose the tablet that's the (GPS) device, the patient swallows it. What's the liability?"

 "Or, the people taking it (in a robbery) will know that something is in there," he said, adding that despite any issues, "it's a good idea to track people that are stealing and selling illegally."

 The bait bottles will be one part of "Operation Safety Cap," Kelly said."

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