jeudi 31 janvier 2013

Publicités du Super bowl: une bonne idée de les présenter avant le match?

Une tendance à la hausse, présenter les publicités "en ligne" avant le Super bowl pour attirer l'attention. Une pratique qui s'attire quelques critiques...

 Un extrait:
 "“The world has changed,” said Angelique Krembs, vice president for marketing for the Pepsi trademark at PepsiCo Beverages. “The conversation used to happen after the game. Now, enabled by social media, there’s a lot of conversation before the game about what’s coming up, and we want to be the most talked-about brand in that conversation.”

 The willingness of consumers to watch ads on social media like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube — and to discuss and share them with friends and family — is rewriting the Super Bowl playbook for Madison Avenue. Marketers and agencies are deciding that it’s better to give up the benefits of surprising viewers during the game in favor of gaining additional attention before."

 Un exemple de critiques: "To be sure, priming the pump before a Super Bowl spot runs does not guarantee success.

 “Pre-announcements can build up hype, but if the ad isn’t seen as dynamic, innovative or exciting, I don’t think the sneak peeks work,” said George R. Cook, executive professor of marketing and psychology at the Simon Graduate School of Business at the University of Rochester. “There may not be so much ‘wow’ or positive bounce.”

 Another risk, Professor Cook said, is that “the message can wear out” before the game, lowering the return on the large investment in a Super Bowl campaign. CBS, which is broadcasting Super Bowl XLVII, is charging an estimated $3.7 million to $3.8 million for 30 seconds of commercial time, with some going for $4 million.

 Opening the kimono before Super Bowl Sunday may also backfire if consumers dislike what they see. For instance, Volkswagen of America has been fending off negative responses to its Super Bowl ad since previews began online on Monday."

 La totalité de l'article:

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