Anthony Weiner a été plutôt discret depuis sa démission en 2011. Il avait quitté son siège de représentant après un scandale à connotation sexuelle, il avait envoyé des photos particulièrement révélatrices de son anatomie à des femmes par l'intermédiaire de Twitter. Son épouse, Huma Abedin, était alors enceinte et conseillait Hillary Clinton. Weiner tente aujourd'hui un retour en politique.
"Because of their careers, Weiner and Abedin are pros when it comes to small talk, chatting about the baby, their two cats and the pleasures of domestic life. But as the conversation shifted into why we were there, Weiner got serious and went into problem-solving mode; Abedin, while still cheerful and talkative, started to look a little nervous. As Abedin pointed out to me later, she has a tendency toward pessimism. “Anthony,” she said, “is a glass-half-full person. He doesn’t dwell. He’s not negative.”
They present as two people who have painstakingly pieced their private life back together: they cook dinner and watch TV and have friends and family over to their spacious prewar apartment for special occasions. They seem to be functioning again as a couple, even unselfconsciously bickering in front of the waiter. But what they do not yet have a handle on is their public life. Before he resigned from Congress, Weiner was leading in early polls as a candidate for mayor of New York, and almost immediately after the scandal, there was speculation about whether he could make a comeback. Could anyone survive such an ignominious end to a Congressional career? Much less someone whose attack-dog tendencies made him so many enemies? The two of them had seemed to be a power couple on the cusp of a Clintonian rise. Now what?
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