mardi 9 avril 2013

Lone Star College: deuxième incident violent en peu de temps

Il y a quelques semaines c'est un individu armé qui sévissait dans la même institution. Cette fois, c'est armé d'un couteau qu'u autre individu a blessé 14 personnes.

 "A student identified only as James tells KTRK-TV in Houston that he helped authorities take the suspect into custody. He says the suspect, described as a 21-year-old white male wearing shorts, a black hat and white shirt, may be hearing impaired. James says the suspect was armed with a knife similar to an exacto knife.

 James says he saw the suspect emerge from the building at a run, and he gave chase. When tackled, he said the suspect reportedly said, 'I give up, I give up.'

 Students were held inside classrooms as the campus went into lockdown. One student told KTRK he held a prayer circle with students in his classroom.

 Alan Bernstein, Director of Public Affairs for the college, said the campus remained a crime scene.

 "It's going to take a massive number of people and a decent amount of time before the final all clear comes down," he says.

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