mardi 28 mai 2013

Obama et Christie de retour à Jersey Shore

Oui, la raison officielle de cette visite est de relancer les secteurs affectés par l'ouragan Sandy, mais Obama et Christie souhaitent tirer plus de leurs retrouvailles...

 "On one level, the visit is nothing extraordinary — a president and a governor promoting the success of their cooperation. Billions of state and federal dollars have aided the rebuilding of homes and businesses along the Jersey Shore. By most accounts, the federal agencies and their state counterparts have worked well together.%% But the Obama-Christie relationship is about so much more than that.

 For the president, the post-hurricane images of his stroll with Mr. Christie were political gold. They demonstrated the president’s willingness to be bipartisan at just the right moment. They made him look presidential. And Mr. Christie’s effusive praise — he called the president’s response “wonderful,” “excellent” and “outstanding” — provided a last-minute boost.

 For Mr. Christie — a tough-as-nails Republican in a union-loving, Democratic state — being seen standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the Democratic president helped lift his approval ratings back into the stratosphere just before his re-election campaign this year.

 After their joint appearance last fall, both men were criticized within their own parties. Some Republicans quietly attacked Mr. Christie for making life tougher on Mitt Romney, the president’s Republican rival in the 2012 election. And Mr. Obama’s praise of Mr. Christie has not helped Democrats in the state find a way to knock the governor off his pedestal.

 But the benefits of the political fellowship clearly outweigh the costs.

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