dimanche 19 mai 2013

Obama stable dans les sondages malgré la tourmente

 Malgré une terrible semaine marquée par trois scandales qui pourraient l'impliquer, le Président Obama obtient toujours plus de 50% de soutien chez les Américains...

 "CNN's Candy Crowley said on "State of the Union" Sunday that 53 percent of Americans approve of the job Obama is doing, according to a new CNN/ORC poll.

 His approval is virtually unchanged from a poll the network did before the three scandals that have put the administration on the defensive, including an IRS probe targeting tea party groups, continued Republican criticism of the handling of the Benghazi attacks in Libya and subpoenaing Associated Press phone records.

Obama senior advisor Dan Pfeiffer told Crowley that the "American people have great faith in the president."

 He said the Obama administration is continuing to push forward on big-ticket legislative initiatives, including immigration reform and a budget agreement.


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