jeudi 3 septembre 2015

Donald Trump prêt pour le "serment d'allégeance"

Contrairement à ce qu'il avait laissé entendre lors du premier débat télévisé, Donald Trump serait prêt à signer un serment qui l'engagerait à appuyer le vainqueur des primaires républicaines dans l'éventualité où il perdrait la course. Ce serment évacuerait la possibilité d'une candidature indépendante du milliardaire. Est-ce un engagement solide? Veut-il démontrer le sérieux de sa candidature? Nous le saurons bientôt.

 "So his decision to give it up is a sign that he increasingly wants to show his campaign is real and not a stunt. The colorful magnate is also trying to make that point by adding staff in key states, issuing position papers, and pursuing access to primary ballots throughout the country.

Trump is certainly unpredictable, and campaign manager Corey Lewandowski would not confirm the plan. “I don’t think you can ‘expect’ ANYTHING from Mr. Trump,” Lewandowski said in a phone interview.

But the close associate said Trump has decided to give the completed pledge to Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus during a meeting at Trump Tower shortly after 1 p.m. today. Trump is scheduled to hold a news conference on an unspecified topic at 2 p.m.."

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