dimanche 11 octobre 2015

L'effet Biden: impact dans les intentions votes

Des chiffres tirés d'un sondage NBC/Wall Street Journal/Marist appuient ce qu'une majorité de commentateurs affirmaient déjà. Une candidature de Joe Biden pénaliserait principalement la campagne d'Hillary Clinton.

 "The big takeaway from these numbers is Mr. Biden's entrance would likely leave a more muddled Democratic field. If the goal is to bring together the coalition that united behind President Barack Obama, which was a mix of upper income, college educated whites and minority voters, the train may have already left the station for 2016.

Mr. Sanders has what looks a solid message campaign that has grown to take in big parts of the Democratic Party's left flank. That group makes up about a third of rank-and-file Democrats, as we recently noted.

And while many Democrats are concerned about Mrs. Clinton's summer poll swoon, she's been a force within the party for two decades. She's built a base of support over that time and she is the only woman on the Democratic side, which gives her appeal as a historic candidate."


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