lundi 11 avril 2016

Anita Hill 24 ans plus tard: "Confirmation" sur HBO

C'est l'actrice Kerry Washington (Scandal) qui interprétera Anita Hill dans un film controversé sur les audiences du Sénat autour de la nomination de Clarence Thomas pour un siège à la Cour suprême en 1991. Mme Hill avait accusé le futur juge de harcèlement sexuel. Ils avaient été collègues entre 1982 et 1983. Même si on ne fut pas en mesure de vérifier les allégations de Mme Hill, la nomination de Thomas fut particulièrement serrée, le vote pour étant de 52 et le vote contre de 48. Cet article du Washington Post évoque le biais possible de la série.

 "Given Washington’s liberal leanings and her title of executive producer, viewers may wonder whether “Confirmation” tilts in favor of Hill. But its creators say they were not interested in showing whose testimony was true. Screenwriter Susannah Grant, also an executive producer, was more interested in “the conflict between the function of government and the function of human beings,” Grant says. “The movie only has credibility if it’s not espousing one point of view or presenting only one side.”

When asked how exhaustive her research was, Grant replies, “Exhaustive is a good word.” Grant (“Erin Brockovich”) consulted more than 40 people connected to the hearings, and consumed countless memoirs, articles and televised accounts. To fact-check the script, producers shared an early draft with several players involved in the hearings.

In February, Politico reported that former Republican senators Alan K. Simpson (Wyo.) and John C. Danforth (Mo.), after seeing an early script, called it “unfair to everyone but Anita Hill” and “full of errors and distortions,” respectively, and that Mark Paoletta, one of Thomas’s lawyers during the hearings, threatened litigation. On the other hand, according to Washington, Hill isn’t especially pleased with the film either: “She has seen it and has complicated feelings about it. We didn’t make it with the intention of her to approve. But she did feel good about my performance, which was emotional for me.” (Hill declined to comment for this article. At press time, Thomas had not responded to requests for comment.)"

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