lundi 11 avril 2016

Même en prison Hillary vaincrait Trump! (Tim Miller, stratège républicain)

Impopulaire Donald Trump? Le stratège républicain Tim Miller ne ménage surtout pas le milliardaire.

 "“Hillary would beat him from jail,” Miller said. “I’m telling you. That’s how unpopular he is. It’s crazy.”

Crazy is one word for it. A friend working on a down-ballot race in North Carolina had thrown a Trump question into a poll last week. “Twenty-three fave, 69 unfave was the verdict on Trump” statewide, he told me. “Could he improve that over the course of the general after five months of people having to watch Hillary on their TV? Would [traditional Republicans] end up kind of holding their nose and moving back towards him? Sure, but how many?” The friend speculated that Trump might not even crack 35 percent favorability in North Carolina, a state Mitt Romney carried narrowly in 2012."

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