vendredi 7 décembre 2018

Trois pièges pour Donald Trump

Un topo assez juste sur le site Axios. À deux ans de la campagne 2020 Donald Trump est confronté à l'éventualité d'un ralentissement économique, au supplice de la goutte de l'enquête Mueller ainsi qu'à une chambre des représentants à majorité démocrate. Peut-il survivre à tout cela?

 "President Trump faces three clear and imminent threats as he heads toward his 2020 reelection race — the economy slipping, Congress flipping and a Russia probe drip, drip, dripping. And few inside the White House feel he is yet prepared or staffed for the hell about to hit them.

Why it matters: The combination of hazards bearing down on the president are more intense than at any previous point in his presidency, current and former administration officials tell Axios.

One sign of a new sense of urgency: West Wing officials widely believe that chief of staff John Kelly’s departure is imminent and that Nick Ayers, chief of staff to Vice President Pence, will replace him.

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