lundi 24 janvier 2011

President, Rebounding, Gives Opponents Pause

L'élection de 2012 est encore loin, mais les républicains n'ont toujours pas de candidat(e) solide (ça ne presse pas nécessairement), le GOP ne sait pas encore où le Tea party figure dans sa stratégie et Obama est au-dessus des 50% d'approbation dans les sondages.

Bel article dans le NY Times de ce matin.

"Analysts in both parties agree on the elements of Mr. Obama’s rebound. Most Americans never turned on him personally, even as they shouted their disappointment in the November elections. Postelection compromises with Republicans on tax cuts showed the White House breaking Washington gridlock on the economic issues Americans care about most. That, along with signs of accelerating growth, increased confidence."

"“People can only sustain anger for so long,” said Vin Weber, a former Republican House member from Minnesota who is now a Washington lobbyist. “Republicans have to be very careful that they don’t simply refight the election of 2010.”"

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