mercredi 20 avril 2011

L'Égypte avant l'Afghanistan!

C'est l'avis de David Ignatius dans le Washington Post de ce matin...

"President Obama should seize this budget-crisis moment to change national-security spending for the next fiscal year. The rationale for the shower of cash in Afghanistan is to prevent future attacks by al-Qaeda. But, frankly, a successful, democratic Egypt will be a more potent counter to the spread of Islamic terrorism than a stable Afghanistan. And a prosperous, democratic Pakistan would be the best safeguard of all.

This is not an argument for pulling the plug in Afghanistan, especially at the start of this year's "fighting season." The U.S. should stick to its broad timetable for transferring responsibility to the Afghans in 2014. But we should spend less, going forward, as we move along the exit ramp. This will mean a smaller military footprint, more use of paramilitary forces and more emphasis on diplomacy."

L'ensemble de sa réflexion:

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